The Data Pioneers Series

The power of data in revolutionizing healthcare.

WellStack is stepping up to host and facilitate a national dialog specifically in support of the data warriors that are building the operating system for VBC in America. We’re calling out to American healthcare’s CDOs, Enterprise analytics architects, Chief CTOs, and VPs of pop health. The engineers and data scientists that are building the analytics engines, the automations, the AIs, and the data ecosystems that underpin them. Join us as we share and learn best practices and strategies. Explore technologies and tactics. And tap the best of the best in healthcare data management.

Thomas Powell - Highlight Clips

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Leveraging Data

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Data Foundation

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Advancements in AI

Thomas Powell - Full Interview

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Michele Chulick and Dr. James Bleicher– Highlight Clips

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Challenges in aligning value-based care

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Intercepting clinical with claims data

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Telehealth's Potential Hindered by Payment

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Incentivizing Physicians in Value-Based Care

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Data Clarity Vital for Contracts

Michele Chulick and Dr. James Bleicher - Full Interview

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Dr. Robert Jarve and Kristyn Vermeesch - Corewell Highlight Clips

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Significance of meaningful insights for deriving lifetime costs

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Contribution of SDoH data to effective risk scoring

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Making incomes more equitable between PCP and Specialties

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The Need of longitudinal records for Providers

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Analytics: Making or breaking your future

Dr. Robert Jarve and Kristyn Vermeesch - Corewell Full Interview

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Dana Richardson – WHIO Highlight Clips

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Unlocking Healthcare Efficiency

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Foundations of Innovation

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Revolutionizing Healthcare Insights

Dana Richardson – WHIO Full Interview

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Rich Waller – Highlight Clips

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Patient Centric View, data strategy needs to mirror that… sets the foundation for downstream...

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Patient 360 —> Collaboration within biz units

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Interoperability does not equal data liquidity

Rich Waller – Full Interview

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Jeff Grandia – Redi Health Highlights

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Data trust - the make-or-break issue of healthcare system performance

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Where’s the ROI for analytics in healthcare?

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The two most important areas of focus for analytics in healthcare

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We need to think about the role of data

Jeff Grandia – Redi Health Full Interview

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